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You already know the value of home staging, particularly in our competitive market. We're here to help you and your clients sell their homes. Call, email or text to book a consultation. Or, use our Staging Request Form to book a stage.
To help you and your sellers, we've created a Home Prep Guide that you can download and print. Using this guide for home preparation will help all of us bring homes to their best show and sale condition.
Single-family homes
New construction
Partial - vacant homes, using some of the homeowners' furnishings
Barbara Athanas-Windermere
John Augustavo-John L Scott
Nancy Backman-John L Scott
Tina Brown-John L Scott
Martha Faulkner-RSVP Realty
Kari Hull-The Agency Seattle
Jamie Hammond-Christensen-Windermere
Bob Hedlund-Windermere
Jane Johnson-Windermere
Dan Kessler-Windermere
Julie Kimerer-Prime Real Estate
Greg Lewis-Windermere
Michelle Markwood-Windermere
Paul Payton-Windermere
Darin and Katherine Persinger-Persinger Group
Mira Pawluskiewicz-RSVP Real Estate
Alicia Messa and Kris Winslow-The Messa Group
Bridget Macy-BH&G
Nadia Schmieder-BH&G
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